
Shopify Store Design & UI/UX Inspiration From Jacked Factory

With the new year around the corner, we have been getting a lot of requests for Shopify store designs to help brands stand out amidst the serious competition. And so, we thought of sharing another design breakdown this month to inspire what you’d like your storefront to look like.

This time, we’re doing a design breakdown of Jacked Factory. 

About Jacked Factory 

Started in 2014, Jacked Factory “was created to challenge the status quo of ineffective, cheaply produced, overpriced supplements”. They are a brand that believes in efficacious ingredients, research-supported doses, and label transparency.

The brand has only grown over the years and has managed to stand out in the health and fitness industry in a very short span of time.

Let’s take a look at what they got right about their Shopify store design

Shopify store design inspiration from Jacked Factory 

1. Slider banner image on the home page 

Using a carousel on their landing page above the fold is a brilliant UI addition. It helps them convey the brand story and other announcements from the get-go.

The use of such a hero element lets the brand display and promote multiple things at the same time. This also lets them introduce their first-time store visitors to what it is they really do and the different things they’re promoting at the moment. 

The full-width images are also great for when they want to make announcements of sales, discounts, or products that are back in stock.

home page slider images

2. Bestsellers on the home page 

Sometimes, customers need a slight nudge to help them in their decision-making journey while shopping. 

Adding a clear and separate section of bestsellers on your landing page helps inspire or influence the buying journey of your store visitor. 

Jacked Factory uses social proof based on what majority of their store visitors are currently buying from them to display best sellers from different categories. This also lets buyers see the wide variety of categories of products that is available in the store. 

best seller product recommendations on the home page

3. Scroll of testimonials on the home page 

Social proof drives conversions. 93.4% of consumers rely on customer reviews when dealing with retailers they’re not familiar with. And 66% of them will most likely buy a product because of its positive reviews.

In the health industry particularly, most people can be skeptical about making purchases. And hence, testimonials are crucial and can help you sell better. 

By strategically placing these testimonials in their homepage design, Jacked Factory manages to establish trust early on.

social proof scroll on shopify store homepage

4. Instagram feed display 

Fitness and health is now an industry massively influenced by social media platforms like Instagram. This is mainly because pictures and videos help this sector display clear and noticeable results better.

And Jacked Factory brings that knowledge to their Shopify store design as well 

They display their social media feed on the home page towards the end. This is a great integration because if a store visitor isn’t yet convinced to make a purchase,  they can instead choose to follow the brand online for inspiration before leaving the store.  

instagram feed display on homepage

5. Contrasting colors in the footer 

With this design integration, their goal is to get a visitor to at least, subscribe to their newsletter.

So they designed their Shopify store footer in such a way that it uses a contrasting color to highlight the sign-up button. This helps grab the visitor’s attention. At the same time diminished colors for the rest of the pages that simply hold information.

shopify store footer design example

6. Compact menu 

Jacked Factory has a concise menu with a neat display of categories based on product type. They have used a dropdown menu style. This ensures that the content on the rest of the page does not get blocked when the user clicks on the menu.

Most store owners believe they have to provide their customers with as many products and/or choices as possible. They think this is going to boost their sales. 

However, the reality is the opposite of that. More choices mean more confused and overwhelmed customers. Thus, they will be unable to make a quick purchase decision. 

Jacked Factory has understood this concept very well. Notice how the number of items in the main navigation menu is also streamlined to not overwhelm a visitor and cause choice paralysis.  

shopify store compact menu design

7. Product focused collection pages 

In their Shopify website design, notice how products under the collection are displayed.

Customers can select the variant, quantity and add it to the cart by just hovering over the product. That is one less click for the shopper - a great User Experience (UX) integration! 

This makes it a lot easier to purchase. Especially, if someone knows what exactly they are looking for and want. 

product focused shopify collection page design

8. Information-packed product pages

The first fold includes big images to see boxing from all sides, a list of benefits, and an Add to Cart button. It is then followed by a mix of visuals and text to educate the buyer and help them make a better purchase decision.

shopify store product page design - jacked factory
shopify store product page description design
shopify store product page description design faq

9. Product recommendations on all product pages 

Jacked Factory displays recommended products on all their product pages just below the product description. 

Since most people buy more than one supplement at a time, this helps them see what they should be purchasing alongside what they’re already taking a look at. This offers them a great opportunity to upsell. 

product recommendation widget on product page

10. Collapsible FAQs 

Apart from product descriptions, they also have a dedicated section for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as well on their Shopify website design. This section is included in all their product pages.

They have used a collapsible section that displays the answer only when clicked by the users on the particular question. This makes it easy for visitors to consume the information they want by selecting the question that seems most important to them. 

faq page design

11. Filterable product reviews 

Yes, almost all Shopify stores display product reviews and ratings today. 

But Jacked Factory goes one step further and gives visitors the ability to sift and filter through reviews as well. The shopper can also search through this section using any keyword of their choice, for instance. 

This helps the shopper focus on what concerns them the most before making a purchase. 

filter for product reviews

12. About Us page 

In the health industry, consumers want to first engage with brands that they can resonate with and trust. 

And that’s where an about us page comes in handy. 

Jacked Factory has managed to summarize everything their brand stands for here. By dividing this page into clear sections, each one ensuring the reader how trustworthy and reliable they are as a brand, they have added information that is easier to process.

The page isn’t just filled with words. The use of pictures and quotations also makes it visually appealing.

In the end, Jacked Factory has very strategically placed a Shop Now button, persuading the reader to convert to a buyer.

about us page design on shopify - jacked factory

13. Ability to shop by goal 

Fitness goals are different for everyone. And Jacked Factory understands this. 

The quiz they have set up on their store helps them personalize the buying journey of every store visitor. Additionally, this is a very quick quiz containing just 5 questions and so it does not irritate the shopper as well. 

14. Rewards program 

Customer retention is important for growth. The health industry is highly competitive. And so the brand has taken that into account and set up a rewards program that keeps people coming back for more.

With a clear call to action and big visuals to describe the benefits of joining, they have designed it as a part of their store design.

Furthermore, Jacked Factory has also made yet another strategic move by adding a Refer a Friend section here. This gives them an upper hand to upsell faster and seamlessly.

rewards page design

15. Clutter-free cart page 

It is interesting to note how they keep the visual of the product on the cart page big.

This is a great design integration because this is an industry wherein people often tend to make mistakes while buying - flavors or quantity, for instance. By giving them a clear overview of what exactly they have added to their cart, Jacked Factory enhances their store User Experience (UX).

shopify cart page design

16. Shipping rates calculator in their cart page design 

A lot of times, people abandon a purchase simply because of the shipping rates. In fact, 60% of consumers blame unexpected costs including tax and shipping as the main reason for cart abandonment. 

This interesting addition to their Shopify store design addresses that issue upfront. 

17. Clean customer account page login 

Jacked Factory belongs to an industry where people stick to defined products for a duration of time. So giving them a customer account page like that of Amazon gets all their products and wishlists in one place. This makes it simple for their customers to make purchases and re-purchases.

customer account page login design


Also read: Shopify Store Design Breakdown: Dissecting Kylie Cosmetics and their Store Design


Jacked Factory keeps the buyer’s needs and interaction in mind while designing the storefront both in terms of visuals and the user experience. And so, they needed to customize their Shopify store design as per their buyers and products. 

Also read: Shopify Store Design Breakdown: Dissecting the Store Design of Allbirds

Reach out to us at and we’ll help you set up your Shopify store design like we designed for Jacked Factory!

We're working with some leading Shopify and Shopify Plus brands to help them design a great online experience for their customers. Check out some of our other work here

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